A passion that should one day grow into a profession.

Philip Slabbekoorn has spent the past 20 years in various positions within multinationals and in recent years as a board member in various divisions of Danone. In addition to this career, Philip has always made time for his passion: the purchase, interior design and renovation of houses in various locations. This passion grew naturally into what we now call “The Gents”. We have a nice portfolio of total renovations.

“Finding the right design in the blueprint in order to create what my client really wants, keeps me awake and then the best: the realisation from design to making it happen!”

Philip Slabbekoorn – The Gents Property Development

Dat vraagt oog voor detail; smaak; maar ook gedegen projectmanagementvaardigheden; luister- en onderhandelingsvaardigheden en durf, waarbij het belangrijk is om de juiste expertise er tijdig bij te vragen. Benieuwd naar onze ideeën en aanpak of interesse in een van onze projecten? Neem vrijblijvend contact met ons op, wij staan u graag te woord.


“We must admit that it has been an amazing job done by Philip Slabbekoorn, The Gents Ibiza Property Development. Tremendous support in the complete buying process; lots of valuable advice; kindness during the entire journey and most important: lots of fun ! If you have such a plan (acquire a house in Ibiza) you can without any doubt work with Philip and you should not be disappointed! Thanks a lot Philip.”